As you well may know, The Walking Dead returned to our screens last week and it’s as intense as we remember from last season. So intense in fact that it makes us fancy a drink, and well, this got us thinking...
That’s right, what better way to enjoy our favourite zombie apocalypse television show than to play a drinking game based around it. So here it is, The Walking Dead Drinking Game, let’s get into it shall we:
Take a drink when:
Rick says "CaAaArl"
The first walker is killed
When a zombie is referred to as anything other than a walker (biter, etc)
Walker is run over by a vehicle
Take two drinks when:
There’s a planned explosion
There’s a planned explosion that doesn’t go off
There is a flashback or flashforward scene
Michonne uses her Samari sword
Down your drink when:
Ever Negan uses Lucille to kill someone (Crying emoji)
A main character dies (+shot if it is by Lucille)
Rick and Negan are battling one on one
Take a shot when:
Daryll shoots a non-walker with his crossbow
Someone mentions a dead main character
Anyone mentions Maggie is pregnant (because no one seems to????)
We hope you have enjoyed playing The Walking Dead drinking game, and that you haven’t got too drunk. Just remember JUST SURVIVE SOMEHOW! Or just recover enough to play again next week…
Other Drinking Games

So the spooky season is upon us, meaning it's time to prepare for Halloween. We love to party here at Beer Pong, and not that we NEED an excuse, but Halloween is still a fun one. Unfortunately, 'Trick or Treating' is a bit creepy once you get past a certain age (sad but true) so you may want to think of a different way to get into the SPIRIT of things (get it? Halloween? Alcohol???). If you're throwing a party or attending one you'll be wanting some seasonal twists and we are here to help.
So here's our list of our favourite Halloween drinking games:
Alcoholic Bobbing for Apples
A classic Halloween party game but with a twist. We all loved this game as a kid, but we aren't children anymore! It's time to add more to this already challenging game. The same rules apply, fill up a bucket with your chosen drink, whether it's a Halloween punch or just plenty of beer (try not to get it in your eyes, obviously). Then add some apples. The aim is to get an apple out of the bucket only using your mouth. Then you have to take as many drinks from the bucket as it took minutes to get the apple (one minute, one drink, etc).
Wrap the Mummy
Another great Halloween game with a boozy twist. Spilt yourself into two teams, each elects one person to be the mummy, everyone else on the team has to wrap. The aim is to use toilet roll tissue to completely wrap your 'mummy' before the other team does. Harder than it sounds with fragile toilet paper and dizziness. The losing team all have to down their drinks - one for all, all for one as it were.
Halloween Beer Pong
So what makes this beer pong more special than other beer pong? Well, we mean... well to be honest... We just really love Beer Pong okay! To make this game more festive it's all about how you dress it up, we can provide you with the basics, you Halloween it up - deal? Use Halloween gummy treats in drinks, draw eyeballs on the pong balls, spooky coloured alcohol and table decorations to get you feeling creepy. Everyone always loves a game of Beer Pong.
We hope you enjoy your Halloween drinking games! If you need any beer pong accessories we have a whole range to choose from! All of our products are crowd pleasers so don't miss out looking through our best sellers.

If you've got your mates around for a couple of drinks, there are no doubts about it - there will be a couple of games of Fifa being played. There's always that one lad who pipes up, claiming that he could beat you all with one hand, which leads to the rest of lads defending their ability and honour, and before you know it a Fifa tournament has begun!
Now, although a regular Fifa tournament is great, there is a way you could step up the excitement level, and that's by making a drinking game out of it. Here at Beer Pong, we love a good drinking game and the odd game at Fifa, so we decided to combine the two and create the Fifa Drinking Game!
Don't worry the rules are simple to follow, and will certainly get the drinks flowing:
The Fifa Drinking Game
Take One Drink
When You Concede
If you foul your opponent
If you're offside
If Alan Smith's playing career gets mentioned
Per replay you watch after you score (we've already seen your goal, we don't want to watch it again)
If you pause the game
Take Two Drinks
If you get a yellow card
If Geoff Shreeves makes an appearance
If you concede a penalty
If you hit the woodwork
If you miss a penalty
At half time
If your player gets injured
Finish Your Drink
If you receive a Red Card
If you concede to the keeper
If you suck at the game so much that your shot goes out for a throwing
If you concede a goal from kick off where the player who scored has dribbled down the pitch without getting tackled
If you score a 'sweaty' or 'trampy' goal (and hang your head in shame, you disgrace.)
Lose the game - and if it's by 5 or more goals you owe the other person an apology on Facebook
If you're looking for other drinking games to play on fight night, you may be interested in some of our beer pong sets! We hope you enjoy playing this Fifa drinking game - but as always, please ensure you drink responsibly!
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