As you well may know, The Walking Dead returned to our screens last week and it’s as intense as we remember from last season. So intense in fact that it makes us fancy a drink, and well, this got us thinking...
That’s right, what better way to enjoy our favourite zombie apocalypse television show than to play a drinking game based around it. So here it is, The Walking Dead Drinking Game, let’s get into it shall we:
Take a drink when:
Rick says "CaAaArl"
The first walker is killed
When a zombie is referred to as anything other than a walker (biter, etc)
Walker is run over by a vehicle
Take two drinks when:
There’s a planned explosion
There’s a planned explosion that doesn’t go off
There is a flashback or flashforward scene
Michonne uses her Samari sword
Down your drink when:
Ever Negan uses Lucille to kill someone (Crying emoji)
A main character dies (+shot if it is by Lucille)
Rick and Negan are battling one on one
Take a shot when:
Daryll shoots a non-walker with his crossbow
Someone mentions a dead main character
Anyone mentions Maggie is pregnant (because no one seems to????)
We hope you have enjoyed playing The Walking Dead drinking game, and that you haven’t got too drunk. Just remember JUST SURVIVE SOMEHOW! Or just recover enough to play again next week…
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