Drinking and card games just go together. It's a known tradition. So we're sure you probably know your fair share of drinking card games to play whenever you're hosting pre-drinks. But if you find yourself playing the same drinking card games over and over, you may find it gets a little less fun each time. That's why we thought we'd introduce you to three new drinking card games today that you may not have played before!
Give and Take
This drinking card game is a great ice-breaker for any social situations. Be sure to think up some funny dares before starting to play this game.
How to play:
- Choose a card dealer from your group of friends.
- The dealer must hand out four cards to each person face up.
- They must then make two rows of six cards face down on the table. The left row of face down cards stand for 'truth', the right row represents 'dare'.
- The numbers on the cards also stand for how many seconds you need to drink if you cannot face the 'truth' or 'dare'.
- The game begins by turning a single card from either the truth or dare row. The second card that's turned must come from the alternate row.
- When a card is flipped, any player that has that card has to either complete a dare or answer the truth depending on which row the card came from or they have to drink for the number of seconds on the card.
- Keep playing until one player has no cards left. They will then be crowned the winner!
Pyramid is a fantastic drinking card game made of luck and nerves of steel.
How to play:
- Set the cards down in a pyramid format starting with 6 cards and ending with one.
- Each player should then be given four face-down cards.
- Players must then turn their cards over and take 5-10 seconds to memorise their cards and the order, making sure that no one else can see.
- Each card in the pyramid is then flipped over, one at a time.
- When a card is flipped, if a player has the same card they can choose someone to drink based on the number on the card. Players can also bluff at this point and pretend they have the card when they do not.
- If you are told to drink by another player, you can either attempt to call their bluff or drink your assigned drink.
- If you call someone's bluff, they must find the card in question in their pile in one go (this is where the memorising comes in).
- If someone is correctly called out on their bluff, the bluffer must drink 2x the amount assigned. If they are incorrectly called out, the player who called bluff has to drink 2x the amount assigned and take back their card.
- The game is played until every card in the pyramid is turned over! There's no winners or losers in this game technically - just those who have to drink more than others.
There's nothing more fun than calling someone out on their bluff than by shouting 'BULLSHIT'. This drinking card game requires a pack of cards and a solid poker face.
How to play:
- With all players sat around a table, the dealer must divide the cards amongst the players in face down piles
- The person to the left of the dealer must start the game by placing their aces in the middle. They are allowed to lie about how many aces they have, especially if they have 0.
- If the players believe they are lying, they must shout out 'BULLSHIT'. The aim of the game is to get rid of all your cards, so if they were lying the punishment is to drink and to take all of the cards placed in the middle.
- The next player must follow on from the last number, and the game continues until someone has no cards left.
- Players are allowed to work together to call out a bullshitter but they cannot show each other their cards, meaning they are at liberty to lie about the cards they hold too.
- The game continues until the player with no cards left is crowned the winner!
We hope these drinking card games have given you some more inspiration for your nights out ahead! As always, be sure to drink responsibly and always stop if you think you've had enough. To take a look at some drinking accessories you can take along with you to this drinks and cards party, head to our products page here!
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