Our name is Maximus Decimus Beerpongius, commander of the thirsty armies of the North, General of the liquor legions, and loyal servant to the true party emperor, Marcus Hooraylius. Okay, let's not keep that up, but what we are presenting to you is a Gladiatorially-good drinking game that is Centurion (also known by the names of hundred's club, century clock, century club, century challenge and chicken of the north). Centurion is the true test of endurance that requires 100%, and 100 shots!
What You Need:
2.5 litres of low volume beer or cider (alco-pops are another alternative)
1 person or more
1 shot glass per person
How to Play:
1. It doesn't get much simpler than Centurion: either keep an eye on the time, or better yet set a stopwatch/timer to 100 minutes counting down, and for every minute that passes everyone playing consumes one shot. There are even online timers you can use that will sound a bell after each minute has passed. After 100 minutes has elapsed everybody playing will have consumed 100 shots - hence the name Centurion.
2. In order to mix the drinking games rules of Centurion up a bit, you can even play a slightly shortened 90-minute version along to a football match - or an 80-minute version along to rugby if you don't much fancy your chances!
If drinking beer in shots isn't really your thing, why not take a look at our beer pong kits instead? Perfect for downing a pint of beer in one go!
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