Here at BeerPong this week, we came to a sudden revelation that there are actually people who DON'T KNOW the official beer pong rules. I know, we were shocked too. Beer Pong has traveled through the centuries and understandably has acquired multiple rules during this time, so we've decided to put together a comprehensive list of all the beer pong rules you will ever need to know to play this wonderful game.
Beer Pong Rules
What you need:
20x Cups
2x Pong Balls
1 Long Table
Lots of Beer
How to play Beer Pong:
- Set the cups on the table in a triangular formation at each end of the table. So, you should have 4 cups at the back, 3 cups in the next row, 2 cups after that and one cup at the front.
- Fill a cup with water to wash the pong balls in between turns.
- Choose a beer of your choice and fill the cups up to their brim. Red solo cups are best to use due to the lines which run around the outside of the cup and show you precisely where you should pour your beer too.
- Divide your group into teams.
- Each team should then choose a shooter or they can take it in turns to throw the ball.
- Each shooter must then take it in turns to attempt to throw a pong ball into their opponents cups.
- If they manage to get a ball into a cup, the owners of that cup must drink the contents. Be aware of the death cup beer pong rule when drinking this.
- After the drink is finished, it must not be replaced.
- The first team to make the opposing team lose all their cups wins the game!
Additional Beer Pong Rules
Death cup - when a player is drinking their pint, if you manage to aim a pong ball into their cup your team immediately wins the game.
The Troll - If you fail to hit a single cup during your game of beer pong, you must sit beneath the table and make troll noises for the rest of the night.
Headshot - If your rival throws an air ball and you catch it before it lands on the floor, you are then allowed to try and hit the person who threw it in the head. If you succeed, they have to drink one of their cups.
Miracle - If your ball manages the do the impossible, and land in between three cups so it is balancing on top of the beer pong cups, your opponent must then drink all three beers.
For more additional beer pong rules, check out these beer pong rule variants!
Sounds fun right? If you want to make it even more exciting, you can try out our Party Beer Pong Rules, Twist Beer Pong Rules or even the extremely daring Strip Beer Pong Rules. Be sure to always drink responsibly and if you have any queries, feel free to call us today on 01446 339 599.
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